Friday, 9 August 2013

Trick to hack any Facebook Account

Here is the very popular trick to hack any Facebook account.

The information shared here is for educational purpose only.

This hack makes advantage of Facebook account recovery facility to reset Facebook password with help of Facebook friends.

Lets start:
  1. Create at least 5 fake Facebook accounts, these accounts should not contain any of the other fake accounts in thier friends list.
  2. Now send friend requests with these fake account to target account and wait till he/she accepts the request.
  3. Open Facebook page, and click on Forget Your Password.
  4. Type email, full name, username, phone of target account to be hacked and hit Search
  5. Now click No longer have access to these.
  6. Now type new email or phone of your choice in How Can We Reach You? form.
  7. If it asks for security question, type incorrect answers till yo see message You are trying to often, Try again later.
  8. Click Recover your account with help from friends
  9. Now select your fake account from the list to send codes to your fake accounts and click continue and send codes to friends when asked.
  10. Now login to your fake accounts to get codes and provide it to facebook.
  11. Now you can change password of facebook account and login to that account with email or phone you have set in STEP 6.
Have fun....


  1. awesome Social Engineering!!
    maza aa gaya!

  2. wwaaaaoooo... sir

  3. this is smart way

  4. does this still work?

  5. sir, i have done all the 4 steps correctly but when after doing 5th step it doesn't ask for the 6th step rather it shows that "No Email Access"
    so please tell me what to do now.


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